V-pro 051


V-pro 051 V-pro 051
V-pro 051 V-pro 051
V-pro 051 V-pro 051

V-pro 051

Product Description

Designed for

Police, Military, Special Forces

Ballistic Material

Aramid UD / Aramid Woven / UHMWPE UD


NIJ 0101.06 IIIA for .44Magnum SJHP and .357 SIG FMJ FN upgradeable up to NIJ 0101.06 level III/IV by adding Hard Armor Plates / Anti-stab protection on demand


1.Full Protection bulletproof jacket with front , back , shoulder , collar , throat , upper arm and groin protection

2.Integrated 10"×12"front and back plate pockets

3.Adjustable external cummerbund to accommodate 6"×6"mini side plates

4.360 ° MOLLE mounting surface with great attaching capability

5.Front and back hook and loop platform for accessories attachment

6.Heavy duty drag handle

7.Optional breathable mesh liner

8.UV-resistant and water-proof panel carrier

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V-great International Limited focuses on US NIJ0101.06 and EU VPAM BSW 2006 standards aiming the first class products with reasonable price, all products produced by v-great are certified by both standards.

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